Hi, I’m Klyne

The most potent medicine is often the most simple- a warm smile, some loving touch, a judgement-free ear, a shoulder to cry on…

My work is rooted deeply in providing a ‘safe’ environment for my clients, or workshop participants, to feel witnessed and held; so that they can receive whatever medicine they most need to receive and hopefully expand their capacity to be more fully in their body.

My work feels like an extension of who I am; there is no clear-cut distinction between my work “persona”/values and those I possess at home and within my close-knit community. I’ve always been deeply maternal (I was jokingly called the ‘mother’ in the share houses of my early 20s) and even though I never intentionally set out on this path, the transition to ‘mothering the mothers’ feels like the deepest whispers of my heart and soul; as if I always knew this is exactly where I would end up.

An exhale, and simultaneously a call-to-arms to protect and nurture the sacredness of birth, postpartum and Mothering.

While I carry ancestral threads from a variety of regions of Europe, I am predominantly from Scottish, Irish and British bloodlines. My personal work in reclaiming my ancestral lineage, while walking/living/working on stolen land is a large and ever-ongoing part of my journey as a woman, mother and birthworker.

Relevant Qualifications:

  • Diploma of Counselling (2015)

  • Certified Qoya Teacher (2017)

  • Newborn Mothers Postpartum Doula Training (2019)

  • Medicinal Kitchen Postpartum Cooking Apprenticeship (2019)

  • Innate Traditions Postpartum Care Training (2020)

  • Tulíx Spiritual Healing Level I & II (2021 & 2022)

  • Craniosacral Therapy Qualification (2023)

  • Tulíx Therapy (also known as Arvigo® Therapy) Practitioner Training (2023)

  • Holistic Pelvic Care™️ Training Level I & II (2023)

“Klyne’s work is an offering made from the sacrament of her own journey. 
She has lived what she offers, in ways that few people ever have the opportunity to do. 
Whether you have the joy of dancing with her, being held by her ceremonially or receiving her nourishment - know that every one of these gifts are offered from the core of her being, which is a deep well of wisdom uniquely her own. 
What I know without a doubt is she will help many, many people. 
My life is better in so many ways because Klyne is in it.”

— Samar, NZ