Qoya is…

  • In Qoya we explore the idea of - Yoga As Prayer.

    Can we use our bodies and our movement to offer up a prayer for our intentions?

    Through our movement can we feel the sacred spark within us?

    How would it feel if we danced our yoga in a way that honoured how our body feels in that moment, letting go of judgement and comparisons?

  • The creative expression of DANCE!

    Dance is the core anchor woven throughout a Qoya class and is open and accessible to all ranges of experience, skill and abilities.

    We dance to move our bodies and to allow the movement to help us remember our core essence and reclaim our true, uninhibited, wild expression.

  • Sensual movement - expanding our capacity to feel.

    How often do we have an opportunity to move our bodies sensually, without worrying about how it looks or whose attention we might be attracting?

    There is an innate feminine movement within us that craves exploration and expression.

  • Qoya offers women a space to reconnect to their bodies and turn their gaze inward, to learn the power and unique voice of their intuition, as a compass for life.

    It also offers a space where we can turn to the woman next to us and have a moment of connected intimacy. Where we can feel Seen, Heard and Held.

    Even while on our own journey, we are never separate to the collective. Within a Qoya class we get to experience how we heal together.

Qoya is a movement practice that was created by Rochelle Schieck, as an attempt to answer the question "how do I get out of my head and into my body?"

It is a beautiful combination of dance, yoga, sensual movement, ritual and community connection. It's accessible for all ages and levels of fitness/ability and is an opportunity for you to explore how it feels to move without fear of judgement (from yourself or others)

I first discovered Qoya in 2016 when I was living in Auckland, where I was introduced to it by my dear friend and teacher Samar Ocean Wolf Ciprian. I still remember my first class so clearly; the feeling of relief. I had had a small glimpse of what it would feel like to move my body with joy and presence; something I hadn’t experienced before. It was like moving meditation that was FUN and deep and joyful and uncomfortable; everything I never knew I needed.

I've been fully qualified as a Qoya teacher since 2017 and so far I’ve taught workshops and assisted teacher trainings in New Zealand, Melbourne, Sydney, Byron Bay and now beautiful Tamborine Mountain. I hold monthly Qoya workshops in a private studio space that borders the edge of a National Park, with the deepest intention of fostering a loving community.